
Scott Collins (Lead Pastor)

Pastor Scott Collins, Senior Pastor of Northwest Community Church since 1994. He’s been in the ministry since 1988. He graduated from Trinity College of Florida in New Port Richey in 1991, with a B.A. in Pastoral Theology. He graduated from Tampa Bay Theological Seminary in Tampa, Florida in 1993 and Dallas Theological Seminary in Tampa, Florida in 1994-1995. He has previously served at Son Life Fellowship in Tampa as Senior Pastor; Eureka Springs First Baptist in Seffner as Senior Pastor; Trinity Baptist in Clearwater as Youth Pastor; and Idlewild Baptist in Tampa as a Youth Intern.


Frank Kearns (Associate Pastor)

Pastor Frank Kearns has been the Associate Pastor of Northwest Community Church since May 1999. He came to NWCC after serving 5 years at Metropolitan Ministries in Tampa as Senior Addictions Counselor. He graduated from Trinity College of Florida in New Port Richey, Florida in 1994, with a B.A. Degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Counseling. Franks primary focus is giving administrative leadership to the staff and ministries of NWCC. He is passionate about God’s Word, seeing people grow deep in faith and his family.


Jake Collins (Youth Pastor)

Jacob Murphy Collins. Goes by Jake. Youth Pastor of Covenant youth group at Northwest Community Church since 2017. Married to wife Jill Collins. They have a daughter named Juniper. Jake graduated with a bachelors of science in Christian Ministry from Trinity College of Florida. Born and raised in Tampa. Runs Camp Crave (a Christian summer camp) with several other local youth pastors. Works in the special needs field, specifically in the ABA therapy field with autistic teenagers primarily. Loves outdoor activities, sports, especially disc golf. Jake has a close relationship with both his parents and extended family. Loves spending time with friends. Has a passion for student ministry and works with his wife Jill with a local refugee ministry.


Dean "Dino" Fairchild (Mens Discipleship Pastor)

Dean “Dino” Fairchild grew up in Tampa Bay and has been a Christ follower since 1980. In his early Christian life, Dino followed the typical trappings of living based on a false identity carved out of public opinion. Finally, he found himself empty and hungry for something more satisfying. He was conducting his life based on principles and formulas. His foundation was a competence developed through hard work and faithfulness. Then God decided to break him through a series of trials, lack of measurable success, personal pain, and repentance. In desperation, he humbled himself before God not just in words but in practice by deciding to be irrelevant in the same way that Jesus was irrelevant and by daily choosing to follow Jesus, laying aside the ways he used to measure success. Henry Nouwen wrote, “I am deeply convinced that the Christian leader of the future is called to be completely irrelevant and to stand in this world with nothing to offer but his or her vulnerable self.” Leading with weakness, Dino is a full-time Discipleship Pastor, family counselor, and IT Administrator. He deeply desires men’s spiritual growth, fellowship, encouragement, and accountability through discipleship, bible studies, service, and other activities. He’s been a church elder at NWCC since 2006 and is involved with leading men’s discipleship, home group, and bible studies. Pastor Dino is a writer, contributor, and website creator to


Phil Brady (Music Ministry)

I am so thankful that God has blessed me and my family by bringing us here to Northwest Community Church over 10 years ago. My desire as the music minister is to please God with my life and service. God deserves all the praise and glory. I am thankful for Jesus saving me and my family and I can't wait for the day we as believers will worship God around his throne.



Nancy Kearns (Childrens Director)

Nancy Kearns has been the Children’s Director of Northwest Community Church since July 2000. She previously has served as Hospitality Coordinator at Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis Tennessee. She graduated from Bauder Fashion College in Atlanta, Georgia in 1981 with an A.S. Degree in Fashion Design. Nancy met her husband Frank while attending NWCC and married in May 1996. Nancy and her husband Frank have a son Seth. Nancy loves children and is passionate about seeing them come into a relationship with Jesus Christ and learn God’s Word. She also loves spending time with her family.