Northwest Community Church is a Bible based Christian fellowship with expository teaching and contemporary worship with a casual atmosphere.
Knowing that this website can never give you the full picture of Northwest Community Church, (NWCC), God is at work in our people, our community, and our world. But even more than what God is doing on the outside of us; He is shaping us from within and molding our hearts to be more like Him. We pray that God will spark your interest by what you see in our website so that you’ll want to learn more about us and the God we serve.
We know that we live in a world where few people keep their promises or remain faithful to anything or anyone. We want to introduce you to Jesus, who does keep His promises and will remain faithful.
We sometimes fail, but God helps us through our failures as we open our lives to His protective love and the love of one another. You’ll meet people at (NWCC) who will tell you that if it wasn’t for what Christ is doing in their lives and the encouragement and support they receive from their friends in this church, they would never have made it through tough times.
God is at work all around us and it is only in losing ourselves in the mission of loving others that we live in balance and experience the joy that Christ has promised. Are you looking to join Him? God is rising up men and women all over Tampa bay who are hungry for God. Leaders who want to be the revolutionaries that Christ intended us to be when He told us to make disciples of the world, to teach them everything that Christ commanded. But first we must teach ourselves what Christ commanded. First we must commit to allowing Him to form our spirits. First we must make it the most important and exclusive task of all.
All of us have a spirit that is formed or shaped by forces around us. The problem seems to be that many influences apart from the transformational power of the scriptures and the Holy Spirit have shaped our spirits.
If you’re checking out NWCC for the first time, you can expect to hear down to earth teaching from the Word of God, through which you will always hear the good news of the message of Jesus Christ. We are here to encourage you by telling you over and over again that the life you’ve been living is not the life Jesus wants you to have. To help you believe that you are worth far more than what the voices of this world tell you are worth.
If you think that’s what church should be about, then we invite you to come to NWCC. You’ll love being a part of our church family.